570-731-3999 [email protected]

Infant Program Curriculum

You are looking for a safe, secure environment where your child can learn, play and grow. We have designed a nurturing and creative world for infants to help their minds and bodies develop. Our center director and teachers work with you to make a smooth transition into our program. We are committed to creating a strong bond with your child to ensure the best start in life. 

A Smooth Transition

  We understand that the first five years of a child’s life is an amazing time of growth and learning that serves as the foundation for future stages of development. The infant program provides the right environment and experiences to meet these rapidly developing abilities. Our program emphasizes the importance of positive, supportive interactions between our teachers and your child. Our teacher sing, read and talk to your child to help him or her with this critical development. Age appropriate activities promote cognitive and social development in a  warm, nurturing environment. 

A Secure and Nurturing Environment

Our infant room invites your baby into a warm, creative world that’s safe, clean and secure-with loving, nurturing  care every minute of the day.

We’ll customize your baby’s environment with a personal crib and storage areas. we’ll do our best to follow your baby’s individual rhythms for feeding, sleeping and playful interaction.

Communication is a priority. Teachers will follow a daily schedule that parents provide. We will provide a handwritten daily report indicating how your child’s day was. 

Stimulating Activities

We will develop a specific plan for learning for your child. This includes daily activities, materials and baby’s milestones.

The infant room focus changes weekly, with engaging themes to introduce skills and stimulate natural curiosity and healthy development.